Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Everything changes in an Insta....nt........


I can't do it.

I won't do it.

How in the name of Merciful Jesus do you 'Insta' anything?! Instagram can do one. It can suck something and then let the door hit it on the arse as it heads out quite frankly. I can't make it work (*stamps feet and kicks that crappy garden gnome that has been begging for a slap for ages*)

In general, my patience levels hover midway between 'toddler with the Christmas wrapping' and 'London cabbie at a Box Junction' and fecking Instagram has chipped away at what was left after a day wrangling four kids under nine, around a farm.

And breathe.....*adopts slightly unhinged smile and starts again*

Hello, you lovely, patient (and brave) souls.

This is my much neglected Blog which I am now reviving and re-branding to replace (f**king) Instagram in my Social Media 'presence'. If I'm honest, I never thought I'd need to invest energy in a 'presence' because when you have astonishingly hued hair with a follicular design that sits somewhere between Hagrid and Carrot Top, you'd be forgiven for assuming that less presence would be advisable.

But you see, I have just published my first book on Amazon and in this modern, terrifyingly linked-up, all-encompassing age, I must wade my way through the soup of Social Media to try to make my little literary pebble glow and attract attention.

If you have time to spare and indeed some sort of sadistic streak, you might want to wade through the (very elderly) past posts on the this blog. These were my toddler training wheels, so to speak. I practiced writing for an audience and tested out different styles several years ago. A lot of it is terrible but I'm quite attached to it to I've kept it.

As the title of this blog suggests, I write because I love it and because there genuinely is a very real danger that if I didn't write, I would have to take up knitting or some other craft that would result in horrendous gift-giving and some sort of intervention  by my loved ones further down the line. I sleep very little so I write. And I full on, proper love it.

'Love Punked' is not my first book. I have written four other books which I am editing and trying to polish but 'Love Punked' got to the finish line first and I am very proud of it.

Reviews for Love Punked by Nia Lucas

"I'm on chapter 4 and I'm loving this, I've had tears in my eyes a few times because the main character is just so relatable"

"Enjoying it so much that three hours later I'm already on ch. 13 ðŸ˜‚ I'm not wanting to put it down but it's 2:30 am here and I got to get some sleep"💤

"Funny, witty, poignant"

"Ended up reading this all in one evening as didn't want to put it down till I knew how it all panned out. I especially enjoyed the main character's blinding retorts to the people who get her back up - made me chuckle greatly! Here's hoping for more books from Nia Lucas soon!"

The blurb for Love Punked

"When her life is irrevocably altered by a post-Rave tryst on her mother's floral patio recliner, Erin Roberts’ long-standing relationship with Humiliation takes her down a path that's not so much 'less well trodden', more 'perilous descent down sheer cliffs'.

Armed with a fierce devotion to her best friend and the unrequited love for the boy she might have accidentally married at age seven, when Erin falls pregnant at sixteen, life veers off at a most unexpected tangent.

Her journey to adulthood is far from ordinary as Erin learns that protecting the hearts of those most precious to you isn't balm enough when your Love Punked heart is as sore as your freshly tattooed arse.

Whilst raising football prodigies and trying not to get stuck in lifts with Social Work clients who hate her, Erin discovers that sometimes you have to circumnavigate the globe to find the very thing that was there all along"

You can buy 'Loved Punked' by Nia Lucas on Amazon now, just follow this link.....

I also have a Facebook Page- just look up Nia Lucas Books.

If you like what you read, please share with your mates in whatever forum you can bear.......

So this is going to be my blog, my chance to write little snippets of lunacy to hopefully entertain and engage the poor souls daft enough to give me space in their inboxes.

And as a two finger salute to Instagram, here is a picture from my trip to the farm today which pretty much sums up how a ginger person of my alarming proportions feels during this heatwave......and how I feel about Instagram.......

1 comment:

  1. Love it! On ch 3. Bit slow I know but thoroughly enjoying the book and highly recommend it. I will do review on Amazon soon xx
    PS, please don't take up knitting!
